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Chapter Zero Kazakhstan

is part of the global Climate Governance Initiative (CGI) network, aimed at combating climate change and improving business sustainability.

CGI is a global network of independent directors (NEDs) committed to identifying climate challenges as a board priority. Founded in June 2019, CGI was created to support the formation of networks of board directors around the world, known as Chapters.


Regional Chapters aim to mobilize councils to accelerate the transition to net-zero emissions, guided by the World Economic Forum's Principles for Good Climate Governance.

Our mission

– mobilize the boards of directors of the Republic of Kazakhstan to develop sustainable strategies and actions, ensuring a rapid transition to carbon neutrality and a proactive response to the global climate crisis

Our goal

create a community of Initiative members committed to ensuring their organizations are future-ready and achieving global ambitions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero.


The Climate Governance Initiative is developed in collaboration
with the World Economic Forum
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